Photo of Range Cooktop (White) from Repair Parts Direct

8187851 Range Cooktop (White)

Repair Part 8187851 Range Cooktop (White). This manufacturer-approved white main top (part number 8187851) for Whirlpool electric range model RF376PXEQ0 cover and help protect the wiring and other components located on top of the range cabinet.Hiring a trained service technician to attach the replacement main top is highly recommended if you are not confident in your ability to partially disassemble and reassemble the range. If you do the work yourself, remember to unplug the range or shut off the circuit breaker to disconnect all electric power before beginning to take off the existing main top.
MSRP: $524.58
Category: Appliance Parts > Cooking, Compactors, Dishwashers (large kitchen appliances)
RPD Part Number: RPD-8187851
RPD Description: Range Cooktop (White)

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Important Note: It is always imperative that you follow the safety suggestions of the manufacturer. For example, always unplug an appliance before performing a repair. Please refer the to owner manual for more information. You should also consult any 8187851 technical bulleting prior to installation.